Open House Announcement – October 20th
Spread the word! We will be hosting our first Open House this season on October 20th. The program will begin at 5pm and it will be open for all grades. Click here to register.
Spread the word! We will be hosting our first Open House this season on October 20th. The program will begin at 5pm and it will be open for all grades. Click here to register.
So much was happening in 1981. NASA launched a Space Shuttle mission. President Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor to the US Supreme Court. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” made its debut in theaters. The first DeLorean DMC-12 futuristic sports car was produced! And the Class of 1981 was graduating at Doane Stuart! Check out this …
Yes, we have reached the point in the summer where we are ready for our Thunderchickens to come back! The first few days were nice. A calm quiet fell over the building and we tied up all our loose ends from the year. We cleaned the floors, filed away papers, watched sunsets from the Green …
With the dust of graduation settling and our Class of 2021 preparing to drive off (and fly off) to college, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on a very special moment from graduation.
Go to orientation events. Say “hi” to your professors. Be money smart.
Is your Early Childhood or Kindergartner starting school for the first time in September? Here’s what you need to know… Doane Stuart offers excellent, well-rounded Early Childhood and Elementary programs. Our goal, early on, is to help foster a sense of independence, nurture self-confidence and foster a love of learning in every child. Sometimes …
A Fall 2021 Guide for Our Newest Thunderchickens Read More »
We couldn’t be more proud of Olakunsi, and our entire class of 2021. They are taking their education to the next level – in their communities, their academics, their athletic careers, and their artistic endeavors. Watch out world, they are coming! We can’t wait to see their journey unfold! Class of 2021: Doane Stuart’s Peters …
Frederick Fink was a portrait, miniature, and figure painter who was born in New York State. Fink, born in Little Falls, NY in 1817, lived most of his life in New York City where he studied with artist (and most known as inventor) Samuel Morse from 1835 to 1836.
We are so excited to announce TWO events this month. With the weather getting warmer, the lilacs in bloom, and our semester coming to a close, we thought what better way to celebrate our successful 2020-2021 year than with an “Ask Me Anything” Virtual Event on May 19th, and an In-Person Open House on May …