Reading. Together.
Reading together, and sharing together, is not just fun but also a valuable learning experience!
Reading together, and sharing together, is not just fun but also a valuable learning experience!
Fun Fact #1: Did you know that this school year Doane Stuart will welcome over 75 schools to our campus to meet with our students? Giving our students the ability to learn about schools worldwide, and meet with the representatives gives them a wonderful opportunity to ask questions, and participate in dialogues regarding their academic …
Our field is named the Wheaton-Wells field. Our gym is named the Tom Febrey Gym. Our half-circle is named “Follert’s Way”. These names were picked by our own parents. These dedications were secured by families who love and want to honor our past, and present, educators. What’s in a name? Everything. Every day, we are …
REUNION IS VIRTUAL AND GLOBAL! Doane Stuart is pleased to provide you with information regarding our Virtual and Global Reunion. On Saturday, October 16, 2021, The Doane Stuart School will hold its Reunion virtually! The schedule of events is as follows: SATURDAY, October 16, 2021 4:00 p.m. Awards Presentations and Anniversary Class Recognitions – Doane Stuart will …
Spread the word! We will be hosting our first Open House this season on October 20th. The program will begin at 5pm and it will be open for all grades. Click here to register.
So much was happening in 1981. NASA launched a Space Shuttle mission. President Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor to the US Supreme Court. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” made its debut in theaters. The first DeLorean DMC-12 futuristic sports car was produced! And the Class of 1981 was graduating at Doane Stuart! Check out this …
With the dust of graduation settling and our Class of 2021 preparing to drive off (and fly off) to college, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on a very special moment from graduation.
We couldn’t be more proud of Olakunsi, and our entire class of 2021. They are taking their education to the next level – in their communities, their academics, their athletic careers, and their artistic endeavors. Watch out world, they are coming! We can’t wait to see their journey unfold! Class of 2021: Doane Stuart’s Peters …
We’ve compiled all the pieces on our faculty, staff, students, alum, and our community, and wow, what a busy year. We can’t wait to see what next year brings! If we missed any, please feel free to give us a call (518-465-5222) or email ([email protected]) and let us know! Check out all these pieces on …
On Saturday morning, 7 DS staff (including the Head of School, Cecil Stodghill) took to the highways and backroads of 5 counties to present our senior class with 2021 yard signs! After a few dozen doorbells, 100+ miles of driving, and some loud singing, all were delivered and we had a slew of happy parent …