Summer Drama Camp is Back!
Need a safe, fun, silly, educational place for summer camp? We have one of the drama programs in the area – register for our Summer 2022 season!
Need a safe, fun, silly, educational place for summer camp? We have one of the drama programs in the area – register for our Summer 2022 season!
Our Annual Spring Soiree & Gala is ON! Saturday Night Live will be held In-Person on Saturday, April 9, 2022 at Loft 433 in Troy, NY at 6PM This event aims to raise funds to benefit the financial assistance program for students who might otherwise not be able to attend our fine school, and for the …
We have a mission that is lived daily by our community, and that mission allows us to teach both to the “head and heart.”
We are so excited to bring back the Cabaret to a LIVE audience. Tonight (Friday) and tomorrow, we perform for our DS family and we couldn’t be more excited. We have spent weeks preparing the numbers, the venue (the commons), and making sure we will delight our loved ones as they leave reality outside and …
This morning, we stumbled upon a treasure chest of wonder. The state parks page for New York State compiled a list of historic sites that explore NY’s rich Black History. What a wonderful idea to print this list out and during our February break go on a road trip and dig into our history. “There …
Our kids are an eclectic bunch. In some ways that is an understatement. While Doane Stuart prides itself on being a multifaith community, I see it as more than that. Yes, it is true that we have Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccan, and atheists walking down our halls, learning in our classrooms, and participating in our clubs and teams. There is also a wonderful mix of races and socioeconomic levels, and there are LGBTQI kids. But then, there are some who are gothic, some who are Eagle Scouts, some who go to furry conventions, some love science, some who want to devote their lives to theater, some who are self-professed geeks, and some who are still coming to terms with who they are and working on their own labels in the process.
To celebrate Black History Month, local history, and art – on this #throwbackthursday – lets dive into Edmonia Lewis. Edmonia, born in 1844, in Rennselaer County, NY, was the first professional sculptor of African American and Native American descent to achieve international recognition. Her parents both died when Edmonia was very young, which created a …
It’s emails like this that make our hearts swell. What a wonderful way to start the day. From an alumni/current parent: Doane Stuart (DS) is the safest, most welcoming, friendly, and caring school that I have ever encountered. After a very poor boarding school experience, my parents moved me to DS, where I completely turned …
This week, the 7th grade conducted an entirely-fake trial of President Jackson – who was brave enough to take the stand against some tough questions from the defense and prosecution. We love that Ms. B. always goes above and beyond for her lessons. Creating interactive opportunities engages our students imaginations, problem solving skills, and when …
Every morning, we rush into our offices, our classrooms, our day, and sometimes forget the things we pass as they melt into and become “part of the landscape”. It’s easy to not acknowledge, or stop and pause, at the things around us, that make us, or that have made us. Our history breathes within us …