
Doane Stuart

Fun Facts: College Edition

Fun Fact #1: Did you know that this school year Doane Stuart will welcome over 75 schools to our campus to meet with our students?

Giving our students the ability to learn about schools worldwide, and meet with the representatives gives them a wonderful opportunity to ask questions, and participate in dialogues regarding their academic career after graduation.

Fun Fact #2: The 32 seniors of our 168th Class (Class of 2021) earned a total of $3,381,000 in merit offers! 

Fun Fact #3: Every year we celebrate College Sweatshirt Day. Everyone in the building participates in the celebration by wearing the college sweatshirt that a family wore, or a college sweatshirt of where they aspire to go! It’s a fun day of comparing schools, talking college mascot trivia, and seeing how many colleges we can represent! This year, it will take place on January 28th! It will be our 16th year!





Fun Fact #4: If you spend even 5 minutes with our Head of School, he will tell you all about how much he loves the University of Miami. GOOOOOO HURRICANES!

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