Library Access
"Because that’s what Hermione does,” said Ron, shrugging. “When in doubt, go to the library."
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
School libraries are increasingly becoming campus community centers where students go not only to find and read books for pleasure and research, but also to meet with peers; seek tutoring; attend talks, readings and performances; learn information science skills; and play with games and puzzles. To that end, the Doane Stuart library is a creative and vibrant communal space that allows for independent reading and study, collaboration with peers and teachers, and a variety of extracurricular and social events. Our library is a dynamic space used, filled with a sense of discovery.
Encompassing books from the Kenwood Academy, the St. Agnes School and Doane Stuart, the library houses over 12,000 titles, ranging from rare, mid-nineteenth century titles (think the Gustave Doré-illustrated Inferno) to the most recent Caldecott, Newbery and National Book Award winners. Students enjoy access to over 15,000 eBooks through Overdrive, which they may access anywhere, as well as a variety of research databases and interlibrary loan through the Capital Region BOCES School Library System. Apple computers are available for student use.

The library also houses the Writing Center, a peer-based tutoring program, where upper school students may seek help on any writing-based assignment from trained junior and senior writing tutors.
Online Card Catalog
Conveniently and powerfully browse the Doane Stuart Library. You also have access to the BOCES interlibrary loan system.
Destiny Discover
Browse a LS/MS school-friendly catalog.
Overdrive/Sora EBooks
Choose from over 10,000 Ebooks for your laptop, tablet, or phone! New titles are continuously added. Audiobooks are also available.
Rosen eBooks
Britannica Academic with Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary
Encyclopedia with entries written by experts, primary sources, multimedia, and research tools.
Britannica School
Britannica Escolar
Spanish-language version of Britannica for lower and middle school students.
Search the New York Virtual Online Electronic Library. NOVEL contains information in all disciplines from magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, reference books, maps, and visual art.
Format MLA, APA and Chicago style citations.
Supplement your study or teaching of literature with multimedia resources.
Purdue OWL
Review a variety of writing resources.